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News & Blogs

Building a Culture of Continuous Improvement and Employee Well-Being

The well-being of our staff is a fundamental value for our company, which has been supplying the Cypriot market with a full range of products and services for the building and construction industry for over 55 years. We believe that when our employees feel healthy, satisfied, and integrated into a supportive work environment, they are significantly more productive and dedicated to their work. However, beyond productivity, we genuinely care about the quality of life of our people, as a large part of our lives is spent at work. We consider it our responsibility to offer an environment that promotes development, both in knowledge and skills, as well as in personal attributes that affect the entire spectrum of life.

One of the company’s core values is continuous improvement. Therefore, we constantly seek new ideas for the improvement and upgrading of our work environment. This includes fostering healthy relationships with colleagues, freedom, and encouragement to express opinions and suggestions.

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Our Actions

At Phanos N. Epiphaniou, we invest significantly in seminars and workshops for all staff to cultivate soft skills (communication, confidence, leadership abilities). One of the pioneering ideas we have successfully implemented involves developing learning paths so that both new and old colleagues know the path they must follow to be considered experts in their field.


At the same time, we created the “Epiphaniou Academy,” where through a Learning Management System (LMS) platform, we develop our own internal learning programs based on the organization’s needs. This way, we ensure that our staff gradually builds on previous knowledge, and by having access to this specific platform, they have the information they need to succeed in their field. This guided approach increases the prospects for everyone to achieve their goals, retain the knowledge they acquire, and properly transfer it to the next colleagues.

Through an environment of continuous and open access to knowledge with innovative learning experiences, we establish a culture where our people want to learn, develop, and evolve, so that we can build the future, ours and our company’s.

In addition, to integrate new colleagues into the team, we developed an induction training program that includes a welcome pack with all the necessary information and a symbolic gift, so that from the first day of work, the new colleague feels welcome and part of the team.

Through an internal electronic portal we named EpiNet, we keep communication and information alive with all staff members by posting news, updates, and photos from important events.

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Small Gestures, Greater Joy

Since significant friendships are also built through our work life and to break the routine, we regularly organize small or larger recreational activities, such as after-work drinks, holiday parties, and even events that include our people’s families. Often, it is the small gestures that offer the greatest joy, so we try to show our appreciation for each team member’s contribution on various occasions. Examples include long-service award events, monetary rewards for children’s university admission, educational leave, and sponsoring studies for colleagues who wish to continue their education.

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Measures Here to Stay

Many of the measures we implemented during the pandemic to maintain contact between staff and clients remain significantly in place today. Specifically, most management meetings, held regularly, are now conducted online, saving time and energy and avoiding unnecessary travel. Additionally, where possible, we maintain a flexible schedule that includes working from home.

We also place particular emphasis on communicating with our audience using technology. Many customer trainings are conducted online, and the promotion and information about our products are largely done using social media.

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The Staffing Challenge

The greatest challenge we face is effective staffing. For instance, the time to fill each new job vacancy has increased due to full employment conditions and the changing profile and specific requirements of the new generation. This is another reason we want to maintain our image as an employer of choice through substantial actions and initiatives.

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Getting Better Every Day

Our company is currently in the process of introducing a new performance management system that will ensure greater transparency regarding increases and benefits. We also aim to implement even more modern learning methods that meet the needs of the new generation, as well as benefits that have particular value for them. Our goal is to maintain a work culture where every team member feels part of a whole, contributing meaningfully, and that their work is appreciated and recognized.

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