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Fronius ‘Smart’ Meter helps to reduce the bill

The “Smart” Fronius Smart Meter for photovoltaic systems helps to further reduce the bill.

Is there a way to leverage photovoltaic systems to keep the electricity bill we pay to a minimum? With Fronius Smart Meters, this becomes possible. By continuously monitoring our electricity consumption, we can identify areas that create excessive or problematic consumption and therefore eliminate them.

Net-metering photovoltaic systems installed with Fronius inverters, offer the possibility to continuously monitor the energy consumption of the building, along with the production of electricity from the PV system, through the Fronius Smart Meter. This feature is available to all types of net metering installations, ranging from small home systems to large commercial systems.

Monitoring is simple and free, through the advanced Internet Portal of Fronius, Solar.web and includes both a real time visualization of energy consumption on a 24- hours basis, as well as its annual overview, through detailed graphics of production – consumption.

Furthermore, combining the of Fronius Smart Meter with the advanced features of the Fronius inverters, there are more advanced possibilities for optimal energy management. Specifically, the inverter may read the measurements of the Fronius Smart Meter and in case the production of PV exceeds consumption, it can be configured to start the operation of additional loads, such as the heat pump or a pool pump, thus increasing the degree of autonomy of the building.

All the above features are also available via smartphone or tablet, through the respective applications for Android and i-OS.

Fronius Smart Meters are readily available from Big Solar Cyprus at affordable prices, and can be easily installed on any new or existing photovoltaic system with an Fronius inverter. They are available in three different versions, to cater for all types of net metering installations: Single-phase 63A, Three-phase 63A and Three-phase 50KA.

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