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Phanos N. Epiphaniou Supports Ukrainian Refugees

The founder of the company Phanos N. Epiphaniou Public Ltd Mr. Phanos Epiphaniou and his family members, current owners and managers of the company, have experienced first-hand the experience and consequences of the invasion and refuge. That is why they understand the difficulties of starting a new life in another place and feel the problems of the Ukrainian people. Every help that Mr. Epiphaniou received from friends and close associates in the period after 1974, in small or large ways, was a significant support, for which the family remains grateful. The company Phanos N. Epiphaniou Public Ltd feels the moral obligation to contribute in return with a symbolic move to the needs of Ukrainian refugees in Cyprus, and in this context offered the amount of € 5,000 to the fund of the Cyprus 4 Ukraine initiative, through the organization Hope for Children. This amount will be used for basic necessities in families with children, such as baby food, diapers, clothes, books and baby items (strollers, baby sterilizers, and other equipment).

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